Sunday 27 January 2013

Uses and gratifications theory in relation to my project

My project has a very emotional basis. It involves two who cannot be together due to the distance they are from each other. This can have a personal relationship with many people as it is a real life situation that a large number of people in society may be experiencing. Not only does this apply to couples in a relationship but it also applies to single people seeking to have one. Although physically close some may feel a psychological distance with the one they wish to form a relationship with which, unconsciously, can be reflected in the song giving it a deeper meaning and therefore more 'emotional interaction' between the lyrics and the listener. This stronger bond and deeper meaning can lead to an attraction towards the song.

The song can also provide people with some form of 'escapism'. People in this situation or have a psychological distance may feel that by hearing this song they are not alone. Although still in the situation the song provides them with support without them even taking notice and this escape from their current dilemma is the result of them feeling they have moral support from others going through the same experience.

Some people may also find some kind of role model or have a personal identity with the characters in the music video. For example the man within the music video shows commitment and drive to make it work between himself and 'Delilah' the girl who he is in a relationship with. Long distance relationships can work but for some it is a difficult thing to go through and can lead to people giving up on trying to keep it working. The man in the video can act as a role model to these people as it shows determination and can inspire others to continue trying no matter how futile their efforts seem.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Band logo

This logo will be used across all of our ancillary tasks. This will combine our tasks into a promotional package further in addition to the shots, fonts and effects used.

The logo is suitable as it links in with our production. For exmaple use of roses is a major part of our project. The rose is a symbol of love which is the basis of which our music video is built upon. The shape in which the rose makes is also a symbol of love and again gives it a link to our music video.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

style guide: font

These are a number of different fonts which we looked into to find one which would be suitable for our own production. We focused primarily on fonts which resembled writing as we wanted it to resemble a personal story which is the basis for the music video.

after some time however we found that the fonts were not suitable in smaller sizes and had to redevelop our ideas for our work. This is how we found these fonts to use in our production. They are both clear and appropriate in a number of different font sizes.

Gorillaz plastic beach album promotional advert

This album promotional advert is very plain in comparison to many other adverts. It contains little information revealing only that the album has been released and the band behind it. This shows that there can be a large variety of different promotional adverts with many different codes and conventions.

Sunday 13 January 2013


We have decided to use a number of different locations in our production:

-Bluewater shopping centre (lake)
-Train Station (London Bridge)
-Greenwich park
-group members homes

-School studio

Thursday 10 January 2013

development: scrabble

These shots show the development of the opening shot of the music video. Stop motion has been using in other music videos such as every tear drop is a waterfall' by Coldplay and after seeing them we found that it would work well within our video.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

research ed sheeran concert poster

Ed sheeran's music being very similar to the song choice of 'Hey there Delilah' makes the poster for his album release concert a good source for ideas for my own ancillary tasks. The plain style of the poster is different to many others which are cluttered with different images or graphics which gives it a sense of uniqueness which I would like to implament into my work. Although I will be placing the name of the artist at the top of the poster I believe that the locations for the album cover image and a quote for the album review is in a good location and could be used. I also like the use of a cover line which says 'features the singles The A Team and Lego House' which I can change to match two singles by the 'Plain White T's' for two singles they have released.

Friday 4 January 2013

Shot ideas Ed Sheeran A Team

Ed sheeran music video (A team)

In this time period of Ed sheeran's music video, 'A Team', there are two shots which are very suitable to be used within our own project. The use of speed in the shot induces a feeling of seperation. The speed of surroundings in comparison to the focal point character creates a separation between them which could reflect the lyrics within our music video. This separation could reflect the separation between Delilah and Tom within our music video.

Wednesday 2 January 2013


This poster advertising a tour for coldplay on the release of their new album 'Viva La Vida' has given me multiple ideas to which I can implament into my own ancillary task. for example I will include information such as the album release date as well as the style in which the poster is laid out such as the name of the band as the mast-head and the album tour, which will be 'All that we needed' within my own work, as the cover line.